Weekly Diary – Overview 22/2/10 – 28/2/10

This week saw the completion of the Costume Designs. Liz has now completed designs for Robert Mitchum, Sophia Rose, Mr Kyte, Smiley, Travis and the two thugs. With these designs complete, it means that by the time we have cast our actors we can begin looking for and making our costumes, edging us that much closer to production. Ideally by the end of next week, we need to organise auditions for our actors in order for Liz to begin with the costumes.

With regards to casting, we have received several applicants for the roles of Mr Kyte and the thugs which is good news. Hopefully by next week, we will have received applications for the role of Travis and therefore can begin the process of audition. The roles of Robert Mitchum and Smiley have already, as explained been filled by fellow students Curtis Riley and Daniel Marshall which has mainly been DeeJay’s decision. Although I support his decision, it would have been more professional if we had auditioned for each and every role. Using friends however has its upside as they are more likely to turn up to both auditions and shooting.

Sound isn’t that important yet as we have yet to enter the production phase although I think it is important that we have already drawn up a sound list. This means that when production rolls around, we can focus more on production and get our sound recorded whilst we shoot our film. As stated earlier in the blog, sound is extremely important in our film, so it is essential that we have a completed list before production.

Props too play a significant role and again and list has been completed scene by scene outlining exactly what we need. By doing so, we have identified exactly what is needed in the scene and what needs to be bought. This will have to be done early on to guarantee that no props are missing when shooting begins. All props will have to be checked beforehand to ensure that they work (lighters etc) to again make sure that they are all suitable for filming. Most importantly are the props we have to design ourselves (Savoy Truffle Cigarettes and Business Cards.) As these are items that cannot be bought, DeeJay and I need to begin designing and making them straightaway. This will provide us with an ample opportunity to get things sorted before production.

About cattlec

Year 3 Media Production Student
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